What better Christmas card could there be to send a fieldsports lover than this scene of a pair of winter grouse, painted by talented artist Jason Lowes?

The image was donated to the GWCT for Christmas card use by Jason, who says of the charity: “We should all do what we can to support the GWCT, it’s an excellent organisation that does valuable work. More people should be helping them.”

Jason lives in County Durham in a village just six miles from where he was born and never wants to live anywhere else. It’s the ideal setting for his art and he’s been painting scenery, birds and other animals for 23 years, working in watercolours and gouache.

working cocker spaniels painting jason lowes

One of Jason’s commissions


I asked Jason where he get the ideas for his images. He says: “My studio window looks straight out onto the hillside which is certainly inspiring, changing throughout the seasons.

“I work a lot from photographs too. I walk the hills and dales around me daily and will spot birds, animals and scenes. Of course, you can’t paint a bird from life, they’re not going to stay still! So I take photographs and then use them to create the scene that is in my mind. I love the different colours and lights of the different months, they have a big effect on my paintings.”

“The original paintings that I have for sale are inspired from my love of wildlife and my own field work, which I feel is extremely important in order to convey an accurate portrayal of my subject. Actually being there, to witness, study and immerse myself in its presence, gives so much authenticity to my work. This only comes from knowledge, dedication and sometimes a little good luck.”

Do your bit to support the GWCT

You can buy GWCT Christmas cards by Jason Lowes here.  His other work can be seen on his website and Jason undertakes commissions too.